Six Benefits Of Taking Voice Lessons


Most people think that the only benefit of private voice lessons is learning how to sing, but there are several additional benefits of vocal training:

  1. Your overall health improves. Music lessons are not only good for your soul, they are good for your body as well. 

  2. Singing reduces stress and anxiety. Music is very effective at reducing anxiety and stress, improving your mood, and letting you express your emotions through singing.

  3. Your vocal quality improves. Taking lessons generally involves practicing. Practicing and singing regularly improves your overall vocal quality. 

  4. Your posture improves. Learning to sing and breathe from the diaphragm opens up your chest cavity and helps you stand up straighter. Vocal coaches will evaluate your posture upon meeting you. Slumping shoulders hamper your ability to sing. Standing or sitting up straight keeps your vocal cords from being obstructed.

  5. Your memory and brain functions are boosted. Memory loss begins when we become adults. Vocal training involves memorizing lyrics, which keeps your memory circuits active and slows the effects of aging.

  6. Learning to sing is a confidence-booster. Singing better makes you more likely to sing in public, and the more you perform, the more your confidence grows.

How Piano Lessons Benefit People of All Ages

Investing in our piano lessons in Columbus, Ohio, is a great way to learn to play music. Playing the piano is not just a hobby, but a skill that can greatly enrich the life of an adult or a child. We offer piano lessons and other music instruction that are appropriate for students of all ages.

There are many benefits to taking piano lessons, regardless of whether you're an adult or a child: 

1. Gain a Better Understanding of Music

One of the top benefits for kids or an adult student taking piano lessons is that it provides the perfect opportunity to learn proper techniques, read music, and achieve a higher skill level. This is especially important for children, as piano lessons provide them with ear training and teaches them how to understand music theory from a young age.

2. Improve School Performance

Another reason to consider piano lessons for your child is that it helps to improve school performance. Different studies have shown that music lessons can enhance a child's IQ and help them perform better at school. Ultimately, this is a win-win situation for both the parent and the child. 

3. Improve Coordination and Motor Skills 

Investing in piano lessons for your child is a fantastic way to improve their coordination and fine motor skills. Over time, your child will become much more agile in his or her movements.

4. Instills Discipline in Adults 

Do you have trouble focusing on one thing for a significant period of time? Learning and practicing piano is one of the best ways to improve your mental focus and self-discipline. Consistent practicing and studying allows adults to build better habits, reach specific goals and improve over time. Eventually, all your hard work and discipline will pay off in more than just your piano playing ability! 

5. Encourages Creativity

One of the best ways to boost creativity is to learn to play piano from highly skilled piano teachers. Explore many different styles for a truly unique learning experience. For instance, when many people think of playing the piano, they think of classical music like Beethoven and Mozart, but there are modern piano styles and show tunes as well. Make the music your own!

Learning how to play the piano offers a wide range of benefits for kids and adults alike. Feel free to reach out to the Dublin Music Academy to learn more!

The Best Way To Learn Guitar

It’s always a good time to start a new hobby, and a great hobby that’s worth trying is learning how to play the guitar. The guitar is a beloved instrument that's used in almost every piece of music you hear. However, learning the guitar takes practice and dedication.

Continue on to know more about the best way to learn guitar.


Hobbies are usually self-taught, but learning guitar is best done with an experienced instructor. The right guitar teacher can help you become a masterful musician. They’ll go over the basics, like strumming patterns and which chord is which. They'll also show you how to tune your guitar. 

While these basic lessons apply to every type of guitar, what comes after depends on which one you’re using. The lessons that apply to acoustic guitars are not the same as those for an electrical one, and folk fingerstyle is very different from classical guitar. That’s where you need to be sure to choose a teacher who is experienced in the type of guitar music you ultimately want to play. 


Even though you can learn a lot on your own, working with a teacher does have more benefits. Your guitar teacher can help you stay focused, help you when you're having trouble and teach you things that you might not find on your own. 

For instance, if you’re left-handed, you may have a difficult time since most materials for learning guitar are geared toward right-handed people. Because of this, you might find yourself increasingly frustrated and quit altogether. A teacher can help prevent this and give you the techniques, materials and encouragement you need. 


Dublin Music Academy is here to help when you want to learn to play guitar. We offer both in-person and online lessons, give you ways to feel motivated and help you master a specific style. We can also modify the lessons to make you more comfortable and make it easier for you to learn, and we provide incentives to encourage you to practice. All you need to do is tell us what you’d like and we’d be more than happy to accommodate you. 

Playing the guitar is a unique skill that just about anyone can learn. However, as with any other musical instrument, it's usually better to work with a professional. If you'd like to learn guitar, please Contact Us to get started.

Mirror Me Technique


What is “mirror me” and how can it help your child learn to play piano? Mirroring is when the piano teacher has their student sit next to them and play small sections of a piece from start to finish. A piano teacher could teach one student at a time or have a few children stand behind them, watching them play, then have them come to the piano, one child at a time, to play what they learned. 

The way this method works is that the student focuses on what the teacher is playing instead of focusing on the music notes. By watching and listening to what the teacher is playing and keeping up by playing a similar passage, the student learns how to play more intuitively. 


One of the biggest ways mirroring helps is by increasing the student’s familiarity with the piano. Here’s an example of how it can work in a piano lesson, and how it helps even very young children to learn a variety of concepts:

  • Watching the teacher, children learn to differentiate the right hand from the left since the right plays the high notes and the left plays the low notes.

  • They will then watch what the teacher is playing and do the same.

  • The students will then have to look at the keyboard and find as many sets as possible, but they first need to know and identify groups of the three black notes.

  • The student or class can then learn how to play a simple song on the three black notes.

  • The students will then learn how to find the middle C. Serious piano lessons begin during this step. The teacher can also now start focusing on proper fingering at this point.


Through mirroring, the student can achieve mastery and learn how to play the piano faster. For instance, they will be more aware of where their tempo and rhythm are not right. By listening, watching, and playing with the teacher, they can learn phrasing, and they can have a steady beat.

Mirroring works best when the teacher starts with small sections during the mirroring sessions and keeps sessions at a regular time and length each week, and parents ensure that the children practice outside the set sessions.

If you’re interested in your child learning piano or any instrument, contact Dublin Music Academy today! We have many excellent music teachers at all our locations who have experience working with young children. Let us help your child start a lifetime of making and enjoying music!

The Best Age To Start Taking Music Lessons

Learning to play music is not only a great way to immerse yourself in a new hobby, but it is also a way to work the brain in new and exciting ways. And it’s never too early or too late to begin learning an instrument! 

However, when it comes to kids, some ages are optimal for beginning music lessons. If you have children, you may be wondering when the right time is for them to begin taking guitar or other musical instrument lessons. Starting music lessons at the very best age can set your child up for a promising future in music. 


If your children have an interest in learning guitar, it is best to wait until they are at least six to seven years of age. Although learning guitar at a younger age is possible, the recommended age of six years comes with understanding how to properly handle and to manage the instrument itself while also having the dexterity to play notes and chords properly. 

However, that’s just a general rule and may not apply to all kids. If your child has the willingness and ability to begin playing guitar earlier, there is no set requirement or age minimum for them to start.


If you are looking for an instrument that is optimal for children ages four to five years, consider the piano/keyboard, violin, or even the viola. Once children reach the age of six and seven, they can handle instruments such as guitars, ukuleles, and even drum sets with ease. 

Children ages eight to nine may benefit from learning how to play the trumpet, cello, or another woodwind instrument such as the flute or clarinet. For children 10 years and older, bass guitars and low brass instruments as well as vocals can all be focused on.

Knowing about when to start music lessons and which instruments are right for your family can help to ensure everyone in your household is well-prepared for music lessons each day. If you have questions about music lessons for your child in particular, feel free to contact us! We’re here to help individuals of all ages get the most out of their musical education.

10 Tips For Getting More From Your Music Practice

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, right? Despite how often you hear this phrase when you’re learning a new skill, it might not be so true after all. Using poor technique while practicing can have limited results, in turn hindering your progress. 

As it turns out, the way you practice is as important as the number of hours you put in! Try using these tips to get more from your music practice: 


Before practicing music, you should always find an ideal place to play. Most importantly, find somewhere that's quiet. If your home isn't so quiet, look for local colleges or schools with music rooms that might let you practice. Other alternatives include using headphones when playing electric instruments and asking your family members to quiet down a little. 


Stress has long been shown to lead to chronic health issues and poor mental health. It can also hinder your practice sessions by making it difficult to focus. Using proven stress-reduction tools such as deep breathing exercises and meditation can help you de-stress enough to have a much better practice session. 


Above everything else, strive to practice in a quiet room without distractions. If possible, make sure your practice area is well lit. Thanks to their calming effects, plants can also help you get more from music practice.


There's nothing worse than sitting down to practice only to realize you forgot a guitar pick or a music stand. Gather all of your supplies together before practicing. If you continue to struggle with organization, consider using a checklist of music supplies. 


Like most people, technology is probably a part of your daily life. Admittedly, mobile apps such as metronomes can help you practice. Using these apps is fine. However, make sure you primarily focus on instrumentation during practice. Don't pick up your phone to use the metronome app, only to go down a social media rabbit hole!


Always set goals before practicing. Gear your entire practice sessions towards achieving these goals. This not only helps you improve in the specific way you want, but also gives you a way to measure your progress!


A high-quality practice session is always better than a lengthy one. Try limiting your practice sessions to 45 minutes or less.


Athletes often use cross-training to improve their performance. In simple terms, you don't need to have an instrument in your hands to play better music. Find exercises that require no hands-on instrumentation and integrate them into your practice sessions.


You don't need to plan out every minute of your practice sessions. However, having a general outline is always recommended.


Ultimately, the main goal of practicing is to play full pieces like a virtuoso. You can achieve this goal without playing complete songs during practice. For a few sessions, avoid playing through the pieces you're practicing from beginning to end. This counterintuitive strategy can actually improve your abilities because you can focus on perfecting the more difficult parts of a piece. 

At Dublin Music Academy, we offer in-person and online music lessons for adults and children. By using principles such as those mentioned above, our skilled music teachers help you achieve real results from your music lessons as well as your practice sessions. 

We offer personalized lessons, flexible scheduling, and a friendly environment. To learn more about our services, feel free to email, call or message us at your earliest convenience.

How Playing An Instrument Relieves Stress & Benefits Your Physical & Mental Health

No matter how we try to avoid it, stress is a part of our lives. While everyone does experience stress, the effects can vary from person to person. Some people may have frequent headaches or feel irritable while others feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. 

In some cases, stress can cause depression, which is a common mental health disorder. Stress is also a catalyst for other health problems that are both physical and psychological.

However, just as there are many stress-related problems, there are as many solutions. One way to reduce stress is with music. Read on to learn how playing music can relieve stress.


Similar to how bright and positive colors can brighten your mood, both playing an instrument and listening to music can do the same. If you listen to music that is cheery and upbeat, you may find yourself feeling more optimistic than usual. On the other hand, slower music tends to have a calming and soothing effect, similar to the results of white noise. 

However, everyone is different and may react differently to various types of music. One person may find it more beneficial to listen to more intense music, like rock and roll or heavy metal, whereas another may want soft, soothing rhythms. Listening to music you like can help take your mind off stressors and can help you relax. 

Playing and listening to music helps to distract from what's causing feelings of stress. Since your brain performs one function at a time, it prioritizes its focus on music as opposed to what's causing your stress.


Research has shown that playing an instrument can help musicians at all skill levels to lower their blood pressure and heart rate, as well as reducing their anxiety, depression and stress. Playing a musical instrument can also improve your mental capacity and ability to problem-solve. And many musicians have experienced the “flow” state that comes with a truly productive practice session -- there’s nothing quite like it!


Aside from relieving stress, music has other benefits as well. Music is also a great way to improve your focus. For example, most people like to listen to music when exercising. It helps them focus on their movements instead of what's going on around them. 

Other benefits of listening to music include:

  • Improved memory

  • Reduced feelings of anxiety

  • Increased feel-good chemicals in your brain like dopamine and cortisol

  • Increased energy levels

  • Reduced feelings of depression

  • Increased pain tolerance

Music can do wondrous things. Various studies done by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that music can help people suffering from mental illness. In fact, playing music can reduce painful symptoms of some medical conditions, like arthritis or fibromyalgia. 


Listening to music is not the same as creating it yourself. Taking music lessons can also be a great way to deal with stress. You may even find that you have musical talent. Taking music lessons, whether it’s for the guitar, violin, flute or any other instrument, can boost self-confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment as well.

As much as we want to avoid it, stress does happen. However, there are things you can do to make everyday life just a little easier. Whether it's listening to your favorite tunes or learning how to play a musical instrument, music can do wonders. Contact Dublin Music Academy today to get started with a new skill that has the potential to improve your emotional and physical health!